Wow Dragonflight Reset Profession Specialization (2025)

1. Reset Profession Knowledge Points or Specialization -

  • Knowledge points cannot be reset or moved once spent, however you can always earn more points to spend in areas you have not yet completed.

  • Information on Knowledge Points for Dragonflight Professions

Reset Profession Knowledge Points or Specialization -

2. We need to be able to reset Profession Specializations

  • More results from

  • Profession specializations are extremely, extremely involved (I wish they didn’t exist at all, but that’s a different topic), and I didn’t know what I was doing when I did tailoring the first night. So now I’m apparently stuck with a really sub-par profession at the moment and there’s no way to fix it? We need to be able to reset profession specializations. Even if it’s a 30 day cooldown, whatever, just the ability to do it. Here’s my specific story with tailoring: Edit: Oh I should add that I...

We need to be able to reset Profession Specializations

3. Restore An Abandoned Profession or Specialization -

  • Professions and specializations may be re-learned from profession trainers. Re-learning a profession will not restore previous skill points.

  • What to do if a World of Warcraft profession or specialization was mistakenly unlearned

Restore An Abandoned Profession or Specialization -

4. Earning Profession Knowledge Points in Dragonflight - Wowhead

  • There is currently no way to refund spent Knowledge Points or respec a profession talent tree - even unlearning the profession and re-acquiring it doesn't work.

  • Knowledge Points are the currency used to purchase advancement in profession specialization trees. Learn about known sources of Knowledge Points, including differences for crafting and gathering professions.

Earning Profession Knowledge Points in Dragonflight - Wowhead

5. Reset specialization? - Professions - World of Warcraft Forums

Reset specialization? - Professions - World of Warcraft Forums

6. Profession Reset - WoW Help - Wowhead Forums

  • Mar 18, 2023 · Make a "one time only" item... sold be the Artisan consortium quartermaster Rabul.. 500 Mettles and you can reset ONE profession ONE TIME ONLY with this item.

  • Many ppl rushed into professions from the start (including me) and now struggling with skillpoints (since the dragon shards is 1/100 drop chance) to get where …

Profession Reset - WoW Help - Wowhead Forums

7. How did people get 100+ knowledge points? - MMO-Champion

  • Dec 20, 2022 · All of those plus finding your profession master are just a one and done adventure. The source of confusion seems to be coming by weekly reset ...

  • As the title says, how the hell did people get over 100 points. Seen some with 170 JWC points, and others with 190 for tailoring. My tailoring has 80 points, and my JWC 92. Did all the weekly quests, and got the weekly allowed drops. and crafted everything.

8. 3 day early access professions? - General Discussion - Blizzard Forums

  • Jun 24, 2024 · Ion has stated that professions wont be available untill reset, but as the technical weekly reset is wednesday 9 am ( on eu servers ) whereas ...

  • I know it has been asked in a way before, but just to clarify: On the early access, will we be able to get profession points at all? Like a normal reset with 7 days instead of 4? Or do we have to wait 3 days for our professions to start… Ion has stated that professions wont be available untill reset, but as the technical weekly reset is wednesday 9 am ( on eu servers ) whereas launch is at 0:00. Would that give us that extra time? Since real launch is saturday at 0:00. This would mean wed onl...

3 day early access professions? - General Discussion - Blizzard Forums

9. What is the state of profession in retail? - Blizzard Forums

  • Jul 4, 2024 · Overview of the Dragonflight professions revamp, including information on the Crafting Orders system, profession specializations, Recrafting, ...

  • Hello, it’s really the thing that I didn’t really practice outside of “Legion” at the time but without really being interested in it more than that and when playing on classic it’s incredibly useful the smallest potion / food / enchantment and other can save my life and make a big difference in damage i deal but here on retail I have the impression that this is no longer the case at least outside of raids (when I played Legion) I have the impression that it has become completely useless Or a...

What is the state of profession in retail? - Blizzard Forums

10. Weekly Profession Knowledge Points (The War Within)

  • All four of these professions follow the same pattern. Once you've obtained 5 of the blue-quality knowledge items, you'll eventually receive an epic one, which ...

  • This guide provides a comprehensive list of all the weekly sources of Profession Knowledge Points in The War Within. If you want to make sure you're collecting every available point, this guide covers all the key sources.

11. Can You Reset Profession Specialization in WoW: Dragonflight ...

  • Jan 17, 2023 · According to the latest reports, you can't reset your profession specialization in WoW: Dragonflight. So, you really need to choose it wisely ...

  • With this guide, you can learn if you can reset your profession specialization in WoW: Dragonflight and all about how it works.

Can You Reset Profession Specialization in WoW: Dragonflight ...

12. Sick of needing a doctorate to understand professions

  • 7 days ago · Why cant we reset KP? Why do i need this and that item to ... I opened the profession specialization tab on every char and every profession ...

  • Why so many options to spend KP and if you chose the wrong one you will make no G ? Why cant we reset KP? Why do i need this and that item to craft a specific item and if i dont sink millions into at first to do so i wont be profitable for the rest of the expansion ? It is not new user friendly at all … Why is it set up in such a way that the only people making any meaningful G are the ones who had millions from the previous expansion ? Which proff is the easiest to learn to get me on the g...

Sick of needing a doctorate to understand professions

13. Can You Reset Your Profession Specialization in World of Warcraft ...

  • Dec 19, 2022 · The short and clear answer to this question is no. Specializations can not be reset in WoW Dragonflight.

  • Choosing wrong specialization in Dragonflight has troubled many players.

Can You Reset Your Profession Specialization in World of Warcraft ...

14. Specialization - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft

  • Formerly, when a character's specialization has been chosen, it could not be changed without visiting a class trainer. Trainers would reset the character's ...

  • Specialization, commonly known as spec, defines a player's abilities, strengths and role in the game depending on their class.

Specialization - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft

15. WoW Dragonflight Knowledge Farm Guide: Fast Ways To Max Out ...

  • Dec 13, 2022 · The profession overhaul has a lot of moving parts in WoW Dragonflight, you need to skill up your profession, there's profession gear to ...

  • Our WoW Dragonflight Profession Knowledge Points Farming Guide allows you to discover the tips and sources to quickly get the maximum amount of Profession Points.

16. Dragonflight Crafting System Overview -

  • There are new specializations for each profession, crafted gear with different qualities, new profession equipment, new secondary stats, and Crafting Orders.

  • Professions in Dragonflight will be significantly different than how they worked in basically every other expansion, there is a major overhaul to the whole system. There are new specializations for each profession, crafted gear with different qualities, new profession equipment, new secondary stats, and Crafting Orders. This page overviews how these new profession systems work in Dragonflight.

17. The Best Profession Specialization In WoW: Dragonflight - TheGamer

  • Jan 14, 2023 · World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight - 8 Most Useful Profession Specializations For Endgame · 8 Textiles - Tailoring · 7 Archiving - Inscription · 6 ...

  • If you're looking to make more money or boost your stats that little bit more in WoW: Dragonflight, these are the best Specializations for the job.

The Best Profession Specialization In WoW: Dragonflight - TheGamer

18. Professions Specialization Re-spec - Blizzard Forums

  • Jan 3, 2023 · Why can't we have one Re-spec for the specialization tree ? Lots of people have made mistakes and put their points in specs they don't need ...

  • Why can’t we have one Re-spec for the specialization tree ? Lots of people have made mistakes and put their points in specs they don’t need or that make no sense for their class spec, like me. I have wasted a lot of points into leather spec tree when now I need them for Mail armour tree because just realized that talent points are limited and you don’t get a huge amount each day, which I didn’t know when DF launched. So please, can we have a one off re-spec to put things right ? Don’t think it w...

Professions Specialization Re-spec - Blizzard Forums
Wow Dragonflight Reset Profession Specialization (2025)


Is there a way to reset profession specialization in Dragonflight? ›

Unlearning the profession and then re-acquiring it will not reset or refund spent Knowledge Points. You will get back everything you'd learned through Specialization, as well as any unspent points, although you'll still return to Skill (1) and have to re-learn any recipes.

Can I unlearn a profession in WoW Dragonflight? ›

WoW How to Change a Profession

Open Spellbook. Click on Professions Tab. Select the profession you wish to unlearn. Click the small Unlearn button next to the profession.

Can you reset your profession knowledge? ›

First things first, you should know that Knowledge Points cannot be refunded. They are permanent! There is no way to get a single point back at this moment.

Can you max all specializations in Dragonflight? ›

In Dragonflight, players will eventually have the ability to max out all of their profession trees, but at the start of the expansion, players will have to decide what routes and items they want to focus on.

Is there a way to relearn profession wow? ›

Professions and specializations may be re-learned from profession trainers. Re-learning a profession will not restore previous skill points, which must be re-gained through crafting and gathering. Most missing recipes can be obtained again from their original sources or purchased at the Auction House.

Can you change Specialisation in wow? ›

Unlearning a specialization will cause you to unlearn all specialization-specific abilities and bonuses. Changing your specialization is known as re-specialization, or 're-speccing'. As of patch 7.0. 3, you may now change between any of your specializations anywhere provided that you are not in combat.

Can you learn all profession specializations in wow? ›

Unlike past iterations of Profession Specializations which restricted players to one narrow field, players will be able to eventually complete all Specializations their Profession has to offer by earning Knowledge Points in multiple ways, like finding an old book on a bookshelf in some long-forgotten ruin or filling a ...

What is the most profitable profession in wow Dragonflight? ›

Profession Choice

Certain professions are more lucrative. S-Tier professions for gold making include Enchanting, Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring. A-Tier includes Herbalism, Mining, Skinning, and Fishing. B-Tier professions are Cooking, Engineering, and Inscription​​​​.

How to unlearn profession? ›

You can also immediately open this menu by pressing the K button (default key settings). Find the Professions item in the list. Select the profession you want to forget. Click the corresponding "Unlearn this profession" button.

Can you reset profession points in Dragonflight? ›

Knowledge points cannot be reset or moved once spent, however you can always earn more points to spend in areas you have not yet completed.

How to reset alchemy specialization in Dragonflight? ›

After selecting the gossip option to unlearn the specialization you will be able to accept a new quest to learn either Elixir, Potion, or Transmutation Mastery (requires Classic Alchemy skill level 300). Note: This applies to Classic specializations only. Dragonflight profession specializations cannot be reset.

How to respec wow dragonflight? ›

How to reset talents
  1. Open your Talent Trees (default N)
  2. Right-click the talent you want to unlearn.
  3. Clicking the top-most ability in a column will unlearn all abilities in that column.
Nov 29, 2022

How do you remove profession gear in Dragonflight? ›

How to Hide Profession Equipment in Dragonflight. If youre not a fan of the look of Profession Equipment, you can hide it by talking to an NPC in Valdrakken. Seek out Mahra Treebender in Valdrakken at 31.5 64.6. The NPC has 3 options to hide Profession Equipment.

How do you reset talents in Dragonflight? ›

How to reset talents
  1. Open your Talent Trees (default N)
  2. Right-click the talent you want to unlearn.
  3. Clicking the top-most ability in a column will unlearn all abilities in that column.
Nov 29, 2022

How do you skip profession quests in Dragonflight? ›

Choosing to skip when the option is first presented is each character's only opportunity to skip these quests. Once you complete Artisan's Courier by turning it in to Thomas Bright, this skip option goes away forever. Any character who has already completed Artisan's Courier will have to finish the entire quest line.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.